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Starting the Aircraft

This guide will help you with starting your aircraft. It includes images to help you understand the locations of all buttons and switches.


The level of detail in this guide is meant to teach an Airbus A380 beginner to start the aircraft correctly.

A beginner is defined as someone familiar with flying a GA aircraft or different types of airliners. Aviation terminology and know-how is a requirement to fly any airliner, even in Microsoft Flight Simulator.

This guide simplifies the process of starting the aircraft to accomodate beginners and the fact that this is a simulation. More advanced sim pilots can use the A380X SOP directly.

When this guide refers to ATC it is referring to any Online ATC network but NOT the built-in ATC in the simulator as this is very unrealistic and unreliable.

Chapters / Phases

This guide will cover these chapters in order:

  1. Overhead Panel
  2. Main Panel


The aircraft is in a cold and dark state at a gate.

Download FlyByWire Checklist

Pre checks

What and Why

Before starting the aircraft, we need to ensure that all switches are in the correct position. This is to prevent any damage to the aircraft systems and to ensure that the aircraft is ready for flight.

(Of course, this is not an issue in the sim, but in real life it is crucial to check this!)

ENGINE MASTER SWITCHES (1, 2, 3, 4) .................................. OFF
PARKING BRAKE (OR CHOCKS).............................................. ON
SPEED BRAKE LEVER .............................................. RETRACTED
FLAPS LEVER .................................................... RETRACTED
WEATHER RADAR ........................................................ OFF
ENGINE MODE SELECTOR ................................................ NORM
THRUST LEVERS ....................................................... IDLE
GEAR LEVER .......................................................... DOWN
WIPERS (BOTH) ........................................................ OFF

How and Where

Use the Flight Deck Overview to locate the items mentioned above. The Flight Deck Overview is a clickable cockpit that will show you where each item is located.

Engine Master

TODO: insert image of engine master switches or link to interactive flight deck

Parking Brake

TODO: insert image of parking brake or link to interactive flight deck

Speed Brake Lever

TODO: insert image of speed brake lever or link to interactive flight deck

Flaps Lever

TODO: insert image of flaps lever or link to interactive flight deck

Weather Radar

TODO: insert image of weather radar or link to interactive flight deck

Engine Mode Selector

TODO: insert image of engine mode selector or link to interactive flight deck

Thrust Levers

TODO: insert image of thrust levers or link to interactive flight deck

Gear Lever

TODO: insert image of gear lever or link to interactive flight deck


TODO: insert image of wipers or link to interactive flight deck

After these Pre-checks, we can start the aircraft starting with the initial power up.

Inital Power Up

What and Why?

The initial power up is the first step in starting the aircraft. This is where we turn on the batteries and external power to provide power to the aircraft systems.

The batteries are the primary source of power for the aircraft. The external power is used to provide power to the aircraft systems when the engines are not running.

ENGINES MASTER SWITCHES (1, 2, 3, 4) ................................. OFF
BATTERIES (BAT 1, BAT 2) .............................................. ON
EXTERNAL POWER (2, 3, 1, 4) ........................................... ON
COCKPIT LIGHTING ............................................. AS REQUIRED

How and Where?

Use the Flight Deck Overview to locate the items mentioned above. The Flight Deck Overview is a clickable cockpit that will show you where each item is located.

Engine Master

TODO: insert image of engine master switches or link to interactive flight deck


TODO: insert image of batteries or link to interactive flight deck

External Power

TODO: insert image of external power or link to interactive flight deck

Cockpit Lighting

TODO: insert image of cockpit lighting or link to interactive flight deck

Fire Tests and APU Startup

What and Why?

The fire tests are done to ensure that the fire detection system is working correctly. The APU startup is done to provide power and bleed air to the aircraft systems when the engines are not running.

Turning on and setting up the radios at this point is also important in case ofg any emergencies.

RMP 1 and 2 ........................................................... ON
STANDBY RADIO NAVIGATION ............................................. OFF
COMMUNICATION FREQUENCIES ........................................... TUNE
INTERPHONE RECEPTION ...................................... RELEASE/ADJUST
APU FIRE ............................................ CHECK IN and GUARDED
APU AGENT ............................................................ OFF
ENGINE 1/2/3/4 FIRE.................................. CHECK IN and GUARDED
ENGINE 1/2/3/4 AGENT 1 and 2 ......................................... OFF
FIRE TEST .......................................................... PRESS

Fire Test Result

Verify that the fire detection systems and extinguishing systems are functional by checking the following items: a constant repetitive chime sound, the master warning light flashes on the glareshield, the ECAM displays the engine fire alert messages (ENG 1(2)(3)(4) FIRE, APU FIRE, MLG BAY FIRE), All engine fire pushbutton and the auxiliary power unit fire pushbutton displays in red, the squib light of the engine and apu agent pushbuttons are illuminated, the disch light of the engine and auxiliary power unit agent pushbuttom illuminates and all fire lights on the engine master panel illuminates.

APU MASTER SWITCH ..................................................... ON
APU START ............................................................. ON
EXTERNAL POWER .................................................... AS REQ

External Power

It is recommended to keep the external power units to ON to reduce the APU load in hot weather conditions.

How and Where?

Use the Flight Deck Overview to locate the items mentioned above. The Flight Deck Overview is a clickable cockpit that will show you where each item is located.

RMP 1 and 2

TODO: insert image of RMP 1 and 2 or link to interactive flight deck

Standby Radio Navigation

TODO: insert image of Standby Radio Navigation or link to interactive flight deck

Communication Frequencies

TODO: insert image of Communication Frequencies or link to interactive flight deck

Interphone Reception

TODO: insert image of Interphone Reception or link to interactive flight deck

APU Fire

TODO: insert image of APU Fire or link to interactive flight deck

APU Agent

TODO: insert image of APU Agent or link to interactive flight deck

Engine 1/2/3/4 Fire

TODO: insert image of Engine 1/2/3/4 Fire or link to interactive flight deck

Engine 1/2/3/4 Agent 1 and 2

TODO: insert image of Engine 1/2/3/4 Agent 1 and 2 or link to interactive flight deck

Fire Test

TODO: insert image of Fire Test or link to interactive flight deck

APU Master Switch

TODO: insert image of APU Master Switch or link to interactive flight deck

APU Start

TODO: insert image of APU Start or link to interactive flight deck

Cockpit Preparation Flow

TODO: Improve description and check with pilots

The cockpit preparation flow is an easy way to remember the steps to startup and setup the aircraft correctly. It follows a flow starting on the overhead panel on the left buttom moving up and then to the right. Then it continues the flow on the main panel starting and moving to the pedestal, setting up the FMS to then continue to the glareshield. At last the lateral consoles are checked and set up.

TODO: insert image showing the setup flow.

Overhead Panel

What and Why?

We scan the overhead panel from left to right and bottom to top to ensure that all switches are in the correct position.

Overhead Panel Left (bottom to top)

ALL WHITE LIGHTS ..................................................... OFF
RECORDER GROUND CTL ................................................... ON
EVAC CAPT/CAPT & PURS ............................................... CAPT
PROBE & WINDOW HEAT ................................................. AUTO
ADIRS ALL IR MODE .................................................... NAV

ADIRS Alignment

It is recommended to align the inertial references as soon as possible. The initialization may take some time. It is also recommended to complete a full alignment if this is the first flight of the day, the flight crew has changed, the GPS is not available to all segment in the flights, or that the pilot expects long segments with low NAVAID coverage. It is recommended to perform a fast alignment for all other flight conditions.

EMERGENCY LOCATOR TRANSMITTER (ELT) ................................ ARMED

How and Where?

Use the Flight Deck Overview to locate the items mentioned above. The Flight Deck Overview is a clickable cockpit that will show you where each item is located.

All White Lights

TODO: insert image of all white lights or link to interactive flight deck

Recorder Ground Control

TODO: insert image of recorder ground control or link to interactive flight deck

Evac Capt/Capt & Purs

TODO: insert image of evac capt/capt & purs or link to interactive flight deck

Probe & Window Heat

TODO: insert image of probe & window heat or link to interactive flight deck


TODO: insert image of ADIRS all IR mode or link to interactive flight deck

Emergency Locator Transmitter

TODO: insert image of emergency locator transmitter or link to interactive flight deck

Overhead Panel Center (bottom to top)

STROBE .............................................................. AUTO
BEACON ............................................................... OFF
NAV ....... ........................................................... ON
REMAINING EXTERIOR LIGHTS .....................................AS REQUIRED
SEAT BELTS ............................................................ ON
NO SMOKING .......................................................... AUTO
EMERGENCY EXIT LIGHTS ................................................ ARM
ENGINE STARTER ...................................................... NORM
APU BLEED ............................................................. ON


It is not recommended to use the auxiliary power unit bleed system if a high-pressure ground air unit is connected to the aircraft. This can be checked on the bleed page of the system display. If there is pressure in the bleed air system, the high-pressure ground air unit is connected.

XBLEED .............................................................. AUTO
AIR FLOW ............................................................ NORM


The bleed system works with the flight management system. If there is no number of passengers entered into the flight-management-system, the airflow will be automatically set the air flow like when the value entered is the maximum number of passengers. If the number of passengers is entered, the airflow will automatically adjust to that number.

CKPT ......................................................... AS REQUIRED
CABIN ........................................................... PURS SEL
TRIM TK FEED ........................................................ AUTO
MAINTENANCE PANEL ALL LIGHTS.......................................... OFF

How and Where?

Use the Flight Deck Overview to locate the items mentioned above. The Flight Deck Overview is a clickable cockpit that will show you where each item is located.


TODO: insert image of strobe or link to interactive flight deck


TODO: insert image of beacon or link to interactive flight deck


TODO: insert image of nav or link to interactive flight deck

Remaining Exterior Lights

TODO: insert image of remaining exterior lights or link to interactive flight deck

Seat Belts

TODO: insert image of seat belts or link to interactive flight deck

No Smoking

TODO: insert image of no smoking or link to interactive flight deck

Emergency Exit Lights

TODO: insert image of emergency exit lights or link to interactive flight deck

Engine Starter

TODO: insert image of engine starter or link to interactive flight deck

APU Bleed

TODO: insert image of APU Bleed or link to interactive flight deck


TODO: insert image of xbleed or link to interactive flight deck

Air Flow

TODO: insert image of air flow or link to interactive flight deck


TODO: insert image of ckpt or link to interactive flight deck


TODO: insert image of cabin or link

Trim TK Feed

TODO: insert image of trim tk feed or link to interactive flight deck

Maintenance Panel All Lights

TODO: insert image of maintenance panel all lights or link to interactive flight deck

Overhead Panel Right (bottom to top)

CARGO AIR COND ............................................... AS REQUIRED
RADIO MANAGEMENT PANEL 3 .............................................. ON
STBY RAD NAV ......................................................... OFF
CVR TEST ........................................................... PRESS

How and Where?

Use the Flight Deck Overview to locate the items mentioned above. The Flight Deck Overview is a clickable cockpit that will show you where each item is located.

Cargo Air Cond

TODO: insert image of cargo air cond or link to interactive flight deck

Radio Management Panel 3

TODO: insert image of radio management panel 3 or link to interactive flight deck

Standby Radio Navigation

TODO: insert image of standby radio navigation or link to interactive flight deck

CVR Test

TODO: insert image of CVR Test or link to interactive flight deck

Main Instrument Panel

SWITCHING PANEL ..................................................... NORM
LANDING GEAR GRAVITY SYSTEM .......................................... OFF
CLOCK ...........................................CHECK and SET AS REQUIRED
ANTI AKID (A-SKID) ................................................... ON

How and Where?

Use the Flight Deck Overview to locate the items mentioned above. The Flight Deck Overview is a clickable cockpit that will show you where each item is located.

Switching Panel

TODO: insert image of switching panel or link to interactive flight deck

Integrated Standby Instrument System

TODO: insert image of integrated standby instrument system or link to interactive flight deck

Landing Gear Gravity System

TODO: insert image of landing gear gravity system or link to interactive flight deck


TODO: insert image of clock or link to interactive flight deck

Anti Akid (A-Skid)

TODO: insert image of anti akid (a-skid) or link to interactive flight deck


PARKING BRAKE ........................................................ ON
THRUST LEVERS ...................................................... IDLE
THRUST REVERSE LEVERS ............................................ STOWED
ENGINE MASTER SWITCHES (1, 2, 3, 4) ................................. OFF
COCKPIT DOOR SWITCH ................................................ NORM
ATC CLEARANCE .....................................................OBTAIN

ATC Clearance

TODO: Improve.

It is recommended to obtain the ATC clearance before starting the engines.

NAVIGATION CHARTS ............................................... PREPARE
MFD SURVEILLANCE DEFAULT SETTINGS................................. SELECT

MFD Default Settings

Verify on the multi function display surveillance control page that the transponder is set to AUTO, the squawk code is the same, the TCAS is set to TA/RA and Norm, all TAWS modes are ON, and the weather radar is set to AUTO, the elevation/tilt to AUTO, Mode set to WX, TURB set to AUTO, GAIN set to AUTO, WX ON VD set to ON and PRED W/S to AUTO)

How and Where?

Use the Flight Deck Overview to locate the items mentioned above. The Flight Deck Overview is a clickable cockpit that will show you where each item is located.

Parking Brake

TODO: insert image of parking brake or link to interactive flight deck

Body Accumulator Pressure

TODO: insert image of body accumulator pressure or link to interactive flight deck

Thrust Levers

TODO: insert image of thrust levers or link to interactive flight deck

Thrust Reverse Levers

TODO: insert image of thrust reverse levers or link to interactive flight deck

Engine Master Switches

TODO: insert image of engine master switches or link to interactive flight deck

Cockpit Door Switch

TODO: insert image of cockpit door switch or link to interactive flight deck

ATC Clearance

TODO: insert image of ATC clearance or link to interactive flight deck

Navigation Charts

TODO: insert image of navigation charts or link to interactive flight deck

MFD Surveillance Default Settings

TODO: insert image of MFD surveillance default settings or link to interactive flight deck

At this point, the Flight Management System (FMS) should be initialized. See Preparing the MFD for more information.


INTEGRAL LIGHTS ............................................. AS REQUIRED
BAROMETRIC REFERENCE ................................................ SET
NAVIGATION DISPLAY (ND) MODE AND RANGE ........................... AS REQ
WEATHER RADAR ............................................... AS REQUIRED
OTHER EFIS OPTIONS .......................................... AS REQUIRED
FLIGHT DIRECTOR ...................................................... ON
NORTH REF ........................................................... MAG

North Reference

It is recommended to ensure that the “TRUE” message does not appear on the primary flight display or on the HDG/TRK display.

SPD/MACH, HDG / TRK, V/S / FPA display ........................... DASHED

How and Where?

Use the Flight Deck Overview to locate the items mentioned above. The Flight Deck Overview is a clickable cockpit that will show you where each item is located.

Integral Lights

TODO: insert image of integral lights or link to interactive flight deck

Barometric Reference

TODO: insert image of barometric reference or link to interactive flight deck

Navigation Display (ND) Mode and Range

TODO: insert image of navigation display (ND) mode and range or link to interactive flight deck

Weather Radar

TODO: insert image of weather radar or link to interactive flight deck

Other EFIS Options

TODO: insert image of other EFIS options or link to interactive flight deck

Flight Director

TODO: insert image of flight director or link to interactive flight deck

North Reference

TODO: insert image of north reference or link to interactive flight deck

SPD/MACH, HDG / TRK, V/S / FPA display

TODO: insert image of SPD/MACH, HDG / TRK, V/S / FPA display or link to interactive flight deck

Altitude Display

TODO: insert image of altitude display or link to interactive flight deck

Auto Flight System Control Panel

TODO: insert image of auto flight system control panel or link to interactive flight deck

Lateral Consoles

OXYGEN MASKS TEST ............................................... PERFORM
DOOR SD PAGE REGUL PR LO indication ................. CHECK NOT DISPLAYED
SLIDING WINDOWS LOCKED .................................... CLOSED/LOCKED

How and Where?

Use the Flight Deck Overview to locate the items mentioned above. The Flight Deck Overview is a clickable cockpit that will show you where each item is located.

Oxygen Masks Test

TODO: insert image of oxygen masks test or link to interactive flight deck

Door SD Page Regul PR LO Indication

TODO: insert image of door SD page regul PR LO indication or link to interactive flight deck

Sliding Windows Locked

TODO: insert image of sliding windows locked or link to interactive flight deck

Pilot Briefing

As the last step the pilots would conduct the takeoff briefing:

TAKE OFF BRIEFING ............................................... PERFORM

How and Where?

Take Off Briefing

TODO: describe briefing

This concludes the Starting the Aircraft guide.

Continue with Preparing the FMS.